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Business Essentials: Discrimination in the Workplace Online Training Course

Business Essentials: Discrimination in the Workplace

This Business Essentials: Discrimination in the Workplace online training course will discuss discrimination in the workplace with real-life scenarios. This course will help to improve your understanding of the definition of discrimination, how to identify discrimination in the workplace, what constitutes unlawful discrimination and retaliation, and understand your organization's illegal discrimination policy.
Business Essentials: Harassment in the Workplace Online Training Course

Business Essentials: Harassment in the Workplace

This Business Essentials: Harassment in the Workplace online training course is designed for all employees and deals with workplace harassment. This course will improve your understanding of the definition of harassment, understand your organization's harassment policy, help identify harassment in the workplace, and test your understanding of harassment.
Harassment, Discrimination and Workplace Violence Prevention Training Online Training Course

Harassment, Discrimination and Workplace Violence Prevention Training [Canada]

This Harassment, Discrimination and Workplace Violence Prevention Training online training course is designed for Canadian employers and employees. Every work environment should be supportive of the productivity, dignity, and self-esteem of every employee. This means ensuring that your work environment is free from harassment, discrimination, and violence. This course will help you understand your role and responsibilities in ensuring a healthy workplace.
Cours de formation en ligne Prévention de la discrimination, du harcèlement et de la violence au travail dans la juridiction fédérale canadienne

Prévention de la discrimination, du harcèlement et de la violence au travail dans la juridiction fédérale canadienne

Ce cours de formation en ligne Prévention de la discrimination, du harcèlement et de la violence au travail dans la juridiction fédérale canadienne a été conçu pour les employeurs, les gestionnaires, les superviseurs et les employés des organisations sous réglementation fédérale. Dans ce cours, nous examinerons leurs obligations légales et de leurs rôles pour assurer un lieu de travail respectueux, exempt de discrimination, de harcèlement et de violence. Nous définirons ces comportements, discuterons des obligations légales des employeurs et des employés et décrirons les responsabilités des employeurs et des employés afin de promouvoir un milieu de travail sécuritaire et respectueux.
Workplace Discrimination, Harassment and Violence Prevention in the Canadian Federal Jurisdiction Online Training Course

Workplace Discrimination, Harassment and Violence Prevention in the Canadian Federal Jurisdiction

This Workplace Discrimination, Harassment and Violence Prevention in the Canadian Federal Jurisdiction online training course is designed for employers, managers, supervisors and employees in federally regulated organizations. In this course, we will examine their legal obligations and their roles in ensuring a respectful workplace that is free from discrimination, harassment and violence. We will define these behaviours, discuss employers’ and employees’ legal obligations; and outline the responsibilities of employers and employees to promote a safe and respectful workplace.
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